Ingredients of a Kickass Life Résumé: Part I
How many of you love food? I mean, food is one of the most important parts of our lives. For a lot of people, food is life. And if you were to stop and ask one of these food-lovers about their favourite, favourite recipe, I am sure a lot of it would go like this: “Well, to make this favourite dish of mine, you would need a cup of this, a pinch of that, a handful of those and of course, salt to taste!” Or as the famous chef Jamie Oliver once said, “Real food does not have ingredients. Real food is ingredients.” With the last post we looked at…
What is Life Résumé?
This is the beginning of a new year and I’m sure a lot of you have been thinking about new year resolutions. I mean, isn’t that what most people talk about in the first few weeks of every year? So, like everyone else, even I have been wondering what resolutions I should take up for this year. I have also been wondering what experiences I should aim to have in this year, what new things I should learn and what old things I should go back and work on. As a species, human beings have always wanted to learn new skills and hone their old ones. Which brings me to…